Spice Garden Products

Natural products available at New Ranweli Spice Garden

 We ship our New Ranweli spice garden products all over the world. PURCHASE SECURELY BY PAYPAL.

Feel free to send us a message to know more about these herbal products, and how you can order them.

world wide Secure Payment method (PAYPAL) 

Email :  spicegardencli@gmail.com

Watsapp: +94-7799-59-135


Cosmetic combination( Alovera cream with sandal oil) for pimples, wrinkles, marks, scars etc.

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ranweli spice garden products

Akalapalitha thailaya(oil) for dandruff and hair falling


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* Siddartha oil with Sarshapada oil for pains and aches like knee pain, muscle pain, back pain, sprains etc.  


*Khesha Krusni Thailaya to prevent and heal split hair, grey hair, and to promote the growth of healthy hair.


 * Kustahara Thailaya for skin diseases like herpes, psoriasis, eczema, gout, dramatists, itching etc.

  * Neelyadi Thailaya for migraine, sinusitis, catarrh, tinnitus and minor headaches.


* Ashvagandha arishtaya (tonic) for hang overs, insomnia, stress, snoring, nervous break down, wheezing, and hay fever.


* Wild Bee Honey with Garlic capsules for high blood pressure and cholesterol. This combination is also a good natural fat buster.


* Aloe Cream for pimples, wrinkles, scars, sunburns etc. 


* Sandal Cream for pimples, blemishes, etc. This cream can also be used as an after shaving cream.

  * Cough Syrup for cold, soar throat, cough(dry cough and wet cough) etc.


* Citronella Essence  for mosquito bites and also can be used as a mosquito repellent.


* Cinnamon Oil for toothache and ear pain. 

We ship these spice garden products all over the world. Feel free to send us an email to know more about these ranweli spice garden products, and how you can purchase them. 

Email : spicegardencli@gmail.com

Watsapp: +94-7799-59-135


Marie Ujcová said...

Poděkování za skvělé produkty a služby NRSG - používám od roku 2016, od doby, kdy jsem osobně navštívila zahradu a obchod

Melanie Vallex said...

Visite vraiment intéressante du jardin des épices

J'ai visité le jardin des épices sans le cadre d'une excursion organisée par mon voyagiste. La promenade et les discussions au travers du jardin étaient très intéressantes et riches d'informations. Nous avons eu ensuite la chance de recevoir gracieusement un massage des épaules et nous avons visité leur boutique. J'avais un problème de santé et j'en ai discuté avec notre guide qui m'a proposé un produit artisanal et local qui ma éte très bénéfique et j'espère pouvoir en commander d'autre. Je recommande très fortement ce lieu.

Jeong said...

우리는 지식이 풍부한 아유르베딕 의사의 설명을 들으며 스파이스 가든을 둘러 보았습니다. 비록 투어는 무료였지만 우리는 기꺼이 비용을 지불했을 것입니다. 정원을 걸으며 갖가지 향신료와 오일 냄새를 맡았고, 마지막에 무료로 차를 시음하기도 했습니다. 향도 좋고 맛도 좋은 스파이스 차를 마시며 많은 인파로 부터 벗어나 한 두시간의 여유를 즐길 수 있어 매우 편안한 시간이었습니다. 가게에서 판매중인 제품은 아주 다양하고 흥미로웠습니다. 에센셜 오일과 향신료, 페이셜 크림, 향수가 나무와 직물로 만들어진 상자에 들어 있었습니다. 여행이 3개월이나 남았고 작은 배낭만을 가지고 있어서 우리는 작은 상자에 담긴 강황만을 구입할 수밖에 없었습니다. 가능했다면 우리는 본국의 친구들을 위해 이곳에서 모든 선물을 구입했을 것입니다.

Anonymous said...

Goede producten, zelf gebruik ik de aloë vera - en sandalwood creme gemixt met sandalwood olie voor mijn pigmentvlekken. Het verzenden is helemaal super gegaan. Ben heel tevreden.