Showing posts with label spice garden sri lanka. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spice garden sri lanka. Show all posts

New Ranweli Spice Garden Kandy

 Spoiler Videos of Ranweli Spice Garden Kandy

                                           New Ranweli Spice Garden Part 1

                                         New Ranweli spice Garden part 2

"Sri Lanka is known all over the world for its rare spices and herbs. In fact to spice lovers Sri Lankan spices mean an expression of a colorful history and delightful surprise, just like the Island. At New Ranweli Spice and Herbal Garden you will get the chance of seeing how spices and herbs like Turmeric, Pepper Corns, Cloves, Cardamom, Nutmeg, Vanilla, Cinnamon, Cocoa, Aloe Vera, etc. are grown in their natural environment."

What stands out at ranweli spice garden is that attention will be given on the culinary and medicinal uses of these spices and herbs grown in sri lanka. Most importantly those who visit new ranweli spice garden will learn a wealth of information about Sri Lankan spices and the spice history in sri lanka. 

Ranweli Spice Garden

New Ranweli Spice Garden

places to visit in kandy

Sri Lanka is known all over the world for its rare spices and herbs.

 In fact to spice lovers Sri Lankan spices mean an expression of a colorful history and delightful surprise, just like the Island. 

At New Ranweli Spice and Herbal Garden you will get the chance of seeing how spices and herbs like Turmeric,  Pepper Corns, Cloves, Cardamom, Nutmeg, Vanilla, Cinnamon, Cocoa, Aloe Vera, etc. are grown in their natural environment.

New Ranweli spice and Herbal Garden is located in the Hill Capital,in close proximity to Peradeniya Royal Botanical Garden.

The specialty of our spice and herbal garden is that you can learn about the spices and natural products while being in a serene, healthy and pollution free environment. In other words it is totally away from the hustle and bustle of the city

Jardins d'épices Sri Lanka

 Jardins d'épices Sri Lanka

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sri lanka spice garden
cocoa in spice garden


Le Sri Lanka est connu dans le monde entier pour ses épices et ses herbes rares. Au New Ranweli Spice and Herbal Garden, vous aurez la chance de voir comment des épices comme le curcuma, les grains de poivre, les clous de girofle, la cardamome, la muscade, la vanille, la cannelle, le cacao, l'aloès Vera, etc. sont cultivés dans leur environnement naturel.

Il faut visiter un jardin d'épices au Sri Lanka pour avoir un aperçu de la longue histoire des épices de l'île. Les jardins d'épices de Benthota, Kandy, Matale, Mawanella et Colombo offrent des expériences fascinantes aux amateurs d'épices du monde entier. la plupart des touristes visitant ces jardins ramènent avec eux une expérience mémorable après avoir vu et senti les épices sri lankaises.

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Benefits of Tamarind

Benefits of Tamarind


siyambala(Sinhalese) or tamarind is unarguably a  mouth watering fruit. No big surprise it has a very special place in Sri lankan kitchens. Tamarind is added into chutney, jam, pickles and that's only the tip of the iceberg. The uses of this profound fruit, goes beyond the kitchen. Tamarind can be used to nourish your skin and hair. It is rich in vitamins like Vitamin C and cancer prevention agents like carotene, minerals, magnesium and potassium.

Tamarind has long been viewed as a purgative, and its fiber content most likely has something to do with it. Eating tamarind as a fruit or adding it into your dishes as a spice can improve the function of your digestive system. Tamarind is a substance that can help to break down food quicker, and the fiber in tamarind and the gastric juices help to accelerate digestion.

Studies have found that tamarind can lower cholesterol levels. Once again the fiber content in tamarind unquestionably has something to do with that too.

One of the noteworthy vitamins of tamarind is the B complex. Thiamine, a standout amongst the essential parts of that vitamin family, is found in high amounts in tamarind. Thiamine has the ability to enhance nerve function and muscle growth which will help you to stay fit and healthy.

Tamarind is good for inflammation, sprains, joint pain, rheumatism and gout. It is also good for burning sensation of eyes. In fact it is believed that tamarind even has the ability to improve vision.