Showing posts with label buy vanilla pods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label buy vanilla pods. Show all posts



vanilla plant


Vanilla is a flavor obtained from a plant that belongs to the orchids family. Vanilla is grown mostly in Mexico and Madagascar. People those days used vanilla essence when making vine. This lovely essence added both flavor and color to their sweets.

processing of this plant is undertaken with great care because if something goes wrong it affects the final product which is vanilla extract. since the day this plant was known to people they were trying to find a good and systematic way to pollinate the flowers. When vanilla flowers are pollinated the pods will become considerably big in size. pollination for the most part happens through insects. Later on people found a way to pollinate vanilla flowers manually. They started pollinating vanilla flowers by hand. This helped them to get that unique taste in vanilla pods.

Vanilla is the second most costly spice after saffron given the fact that developing the vanilla seeds and processing vanilla takes a lot of effort and time. Despite the expensiveness, vanilla is profoundly esteemed for its flavor, taste and fragrance.