Showing posts with label pepper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pepper. Show all posts

Benefits of pepper

Benefits of pepper

pepper sri lanka spice garden

Dark pepper or black pepper stimulates the taste buds in your mouth in the sense it enhances your appetite for food. It also facilitates the absorption of proteins and other nutrients of food by your body. Studies have found that pepper has amazing cancer prevention  and antibacterial properties.
Pepper is used when seasoning meat. Pepper is used when packing meat also, as pepper has the ability to work as a food preservative. A long time ago, when there were no chemicals to preserve meat, hunter gatherers have used pepper to keep their meat for a considerable length of time. This does not mean that pepper is capable of preserving food for a long time, but by using pepper they have been able to keep meat for about a month or two.

Today we use pepper in our soups meat and fish. Pepper is a good home remedy for nasal blockage, Pepper can also keep ants and other bugs away from your food.