Showing posts with label what is tea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label what is tea. Show all posts

Health Benefits of Tea

Health Benefits of Tea


Tea contains certain substances that are good for the human heart. The fundamental elements are chemicals called polyphenols, catechins and epicatechins. Tea is rich in these substances, particularly green tea. The process used to make green tea, preserves polyphenols in tea leaves. Dark and red teas also have them, but not as much as green tea. What do polyphenols do? First and foremost, they are cell reinforcements. They are Cancer prevention agents, better known as antioxidants. Studies have found that regular Tea drinkers tend to be healthier than those who do not drink tea.

Next to water Tea is the most special beverage on the planet. Not only can it quench your thirst but also it can make you healthy and improve your immune system. It is rich in health improving substances. " The modern science is stunning and scientific studies have found that some tea may contain up to five times a larger number of cancer prevention agents than any other fruit or vegetable. These infection fighting chemicals in tea help to make you fit and healthy. Also it has been found that tea can help to lose fat, particularly belly fat. Tea is good for those who have cholesterol as well. A cuppa simply makes you more active at the workplace. One study demonstrated that tea consumers have enhanced precision and focus when it comes to work. Studies also show that phytochemicals in tea, may prevent bone decay. Regular tea consumers have stronger bones than non-tea consumers. A research of 40,000 people found that people who drank five cups of green tea a day had 31 percent lower risk of death from coronary illness than the individuals who drank some other beverage.

People nowadays get addicted to so many things. It has been found that the only good habit they have been addicted to is drinking tea. There is no limit to drinking tea. Even if you drink a gallon of tea it does not do your body any harm. But you have to make sure what you drink is pure tea and does not contain any other substance, specially sugar.