Showing posts with label Coffee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coffee. Show all posts



Even though coffee cultivation was started by the British on a large scale, nobody knows when coffee first came to Sri Lanka. Some say it was the Arabs who first introduced coffee to Sri Lanka. Nonetheless we can assume that the plant had existed from time immemorial on the island. But the locals were not aware of the value of its berries, and just used its leaves to add flavor to their curries, and its blooms to offer to the Gods in their sanctuaries. It was the Dutch that endeavored to develop it as a money making business. Coffee cultivation became a success in the island and it was better in quality than the Coffee of Java or any other country.  But the Dutch could not or were not interested in making ceylon coffee famous in the world market and after some time they lost interest in it.

It was the English who came to the island after the Dutch that tried and took coffee into a whole new level. They effectively popularized coffee as the first fruitful fare crop from Sri Lanka. Not to mention they made a lot of profit from the sale of coffee.

Nevertheless, like all good things must come to an end, coffee also came to an end. It was not long after that the British started making good money through the coffee sale that it got infected by a very dangerous pest. This pest destroyed many coffee trees in the island. Eventually the British had to abandon coffee cultivation in Sri Lanka.

Benefits of Coffee

Benefits of Coffee

Ever wondered whether coffee perhaps the most consumed drink all over the world is good for your health. Just like any other food or drink coffee too has been both well and ill spoken of. In fact drinking coffee has both its advantages and disadvantages. Some of the advantages of drinking coffee is that it helps you to stay active and focused. Many people drink coffee because they believe that coffee helps them to think clearly and it has the ability to boost brain functioning. There can be some truth in it because coffee is a rich source of caffeine and caffeine is known all over the world as a booster in terms of memory and physical function. Coffee is a good antioxidant and it helps your body to fight against harmful radicals in your body. Coffee is capable of brightening your mood. Many people drink coffee not because they need an energy drink but because they believe that coffee too just like chocolate can help them to stay happy.