Showing posts with label nutrition and health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nutrition and health. Show all posts

Jack fruit

Jack fruit




If you visit a village in Sri Lanka you will probably be able to see this fruit in many home gardens. Not only in the countryside but even in urban areas like colombo and Kandy you can see this fruit being sold by vendors everywhere. This fruit is supposedly the biggest fruit in the world and once this fruit is ripened it produces a nasty smell. But do not judge the fruit from its smell or the cover. Inside the fruit there is this amazingly delicious flesh. In fact according to Sri Lankans jack fruit smells like hell and tastes like heaven. What that means that even though the fruit does not smell good, it is delicious . Not only does it taste good but also it is nutritious. What is amazing about this fruit is that when the fruit is young you can cook it and you will get a potato like curry. And when it is ripened it becomes sweet and turns into a delicious fruit. The uses of jack fruit tree goes beyond the kitchen. The leaves of jack is given to goats and cattle. The trunk of the tree is very strong and it is used as timber when making furniture.

Dragon Fruit

Dragon Fruit


Ranweli spice garden sri lanka


A chomp of this  nutritious fruit can give a lot of advantages for the human body. Dragon fruit, aka pitaya though sweet is good for diabetes. It is even good for pregnant and breastfeeding moms. The fruit is rich in vitamin C, yet it is additionally a rich wellspring of unsaturated fats. Anti oxidants  are important for skin health. They battle off free radicals in the body that cause disease. this fruit is a good wellspring of cell reinforcements or anti oxidants because of its vitamin C content. In addition to vitamin C, the fruit contains carotene, which is known to prevent cancer. This fruit can improve your heart health, as it brings down cholesterol levels. Dragon fruit can also reduce the risk of  hypertension. This fruit also is a decent wellspring of monosaturated fats which help to keep your heart in great condition.