Showing posts with label spice garden online shop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spice garden online shop. Show all posts

Gewürzgarten sri lanka

 Gewürzgarten sri lanka

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Gewürzgarten sri lanka
Gewürzgarten sri lanka            

Sri Lanka ist weltbekannt für seine seltenen Gewürze und Kräuter.  Gewürze wie Kurkuma, Pfefferkörner, Nelken, Kardamom, Muskatnuss, Vanille, Zimt, Kakaobohnen, Aloe Vera, uvm.
können in ihrer natürlich wachsenden Umgebung im "New Ranweli Spice and Herbal Garden" bewundert werden.
Bei einem Aufenthalt in Sri Lanka darf ein Besuch in einem Gewürzgarten nicht fehlen, um einen einzigartigen Einblick in die lange Geschichte der Kräuter und Gewürze der Insel zu bekommen. Kräutergärten in Benthota, Kandy, Matale, Mawanella und Colombo bieten Gewürzliebhabern aus aller Welt faszinierende Erlebnisse.
Gewürzgarten sri lanka
Die meisten Touristen, die diese Gärten besucht haben, nehmen ein unvergessliches Erlebnis mit nachhause, nachdem sie sri-lankische Gewürze gesehen und gespürt haben.


Pandan leaves at ranweli spice garden

Pandan leaves

spice garden online shop
Pandan leaves at Kandy Spice garden



Pandan leaves or Rampe (Sinhalese term) as it is known in Sri Lanka, is a famous plant all over Asia because of its taste and the smell. But just like curry leaves you can't just take a pandan leaf and eat because it is a little thick and digesting this leaf also is very hard. So one might wonder how exactly to use this spice in cooking. In fact big pieces of pandan leaves are added when cooking and when the curry is cooked we need to take the leaves out. But even if you take these leaves out the curry will have a  lovely aroma and a taste in the dish.

Kandy spice garden
Pamdan leaves in New Ranweli Spice Garden Kandy

Pandan leaf is known for its medicinal or herbal uses as well. Some People boil pandan leaves and drink to treat wounds. Some people as a habit chew panda leaves to get rid of bad breath. It is also a good home remedy for minor headaches, inflammation and so on.

Chilli at Ranweli Spice Garden

Benefits of Chilly

spicegarden online store
chilly at ranweli spice garden

Chilli plant is a small, bush around 1m in height. this plant is native to Mexico where chilly was used as one of the important spices when it comes to cooking. gradually it spread throughout Europe and became famous in Asia too. Chilli also is one of the widely grown spices in Sri Lanka when it comes to export. Chilli Powder is something people in sri lanka can't do without.

Chillies can be picked while they are green, or once they mature and dry on the plant itself. But mostly chillies are collected once they turn red. They are then  dried until 20 per cent of the skin's moisture is left.
Inside chilli  there are  white round seeds. These seeds make chillies more spicy.

Both red and green Chillies, are rich in vitamin-C. Vitamin C is a good cancer prevention agent. It is needed for the collagen blend inside the human body. Collagen is one of the principle  protein needed for keeping up the uprightness of veins, skin, organs, and bones. Consumption of food rich in vitamin C improves immunity, improves immunity against cold. Chilies also have a measure of minerals like potassium, manganese, iron, and magnesium. Potassium is a critical part of cell and body liquids that helps controlling the heart rate.