Showing posts with label ranweli spice garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ranweli spice garden. Show all posts

Jardins d'épices Sri Lanka

 Jardins d'épices Sri Lanka

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sri lanka spice garden
cocoa in spice garden


Le Sri Lanka est connu dans le monde entier pour ses épices et ses herbes rares. Au New Ranweli Spice and Herbal Garden, vous aurez la chance de voir comment des épices comme le curcuma, les grains de poivre, les clous de girofle, la cardamome, la muscade, la vanille, la cannelle, le cacao, l'aloès Vera, etc. sont cultivés dans leur environnement naturel.

Il faut visiter un jardin d'épices au Sri Lanka pour avoir un aperçu de la longue histoire des épices de l'île. Les jardins d'épices de Benthota, Kandy, Matale, Mawanella et Colombo offrent des expériences fascinantes aux amateurs d'épices du monde entier. la plupart des touristes visitant ces jardins ramènent avec eux une expérience mémorable après avoir vu et senti les épices sri lankaises.

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Gewürzgarten sri lanka

 Gewürzgarten sri lanka

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Gewürzgarten sri lanka
Gewürzgarten sri lanka            

Sri Lanka ist weltbekannt für seine seltenen Gewürze und Kräuter.  Gewürze wie Kurkuma, Pfefferkörner, Nelken, Kardamom, Muskatnuss, Vanille, Zimt, Kakaobohnen, Aloe Vera, uvm.
können in ihrer natürlich wachsenden Umgebung im "New Ranweli Spice and Herbal Garden" bewundert werden.
Bei einem Aufenthalt in Sri Lanka darf ein Besuch in einem Gewürzgarten nicht fehlen, um einen einzigartigen Einblick in die lange Geschichte der Kräuter und Gewürze der Insel zu bekommen. Kräutergärten in Benthota, Kandy, Matale, Mawanella und Colombo bieten Gewürzliebhabern aus aller Welt faszinierende Erlebnisse.
Gewürzgarten sri lanka
Die meisten Touristen, die diese Gärten besucht haben, nehmen ein unvergessliches Erlebnis mit nachhause, nachdem sie sri-lankische Gewürze gesehen und gespürt haben.


Pandan leaves at ranweli spice garden

Pandan leaves

spice garden online shop
Pandan leaves at Kandy Spice garden



Pandan leaves or Rampe (Sinhalese term) as it is known in Sri Lanka, is a famous plant all over Asia because of its taste and the smell. But just like curry leaves you can't just take a pandan leaf and eat because it is a little thick and digesting this leaf also is very hard. So one might wonder how exactly to use this spice in cooking. In fact big pieces of pandan leaves are added when cooking and when the curry is cooked we need to take the leaves out. But even if you take these leaves out the curry will have a  lovely aroma and a taste in the dish.

Kandy spice garden
Pamdan leaves in New Ranweli Spice Garden Kandy

Pandan leaf is known for its medicinal or herbal uses as well. Some People boil pandan leaves and drink to treat wounds. Some people as a habit chew panda leaves to get rid of bad breath. It is also a good home remedy for minor headaches, inflammation and so on.



spices at ranweli spice garden
coriander seeds

sri lanka spice garden
coriander leaves

What is Coriander?

Coriander is native to the Middle East and southern Europe, also very common in Asia. It can also be found in Egypt and the Sudan.coriander is mentioned in the Bible in the books of Exodus and Numbers, where the color of ‘manna’ is compared to coriander. The plant is now grown in Russia, India, South America, North Africa specially Morocco – and the Netherlands. Coriander was introduced to England by the Romans, who used it in cooking and medicine. Coriander was widely used in English dishes until the Renaissance, when the new exotic spices appeared. Among Insidious doctors , coriander was known to Hippocratic, and to Pliny who called it coriandrum for its ‘buggy’ smell, coris being a bug; or perhaps because the young seed resembles Cimex lectularius, the European bed-bug. cilantro Coriander is the seed of a small plant. The seeds are almost spherical, one end being slightly pointed, the other slightly flattened. There are many longitudinal ridges. The seed is mostly sold dry and in this state is likely to split into two to reveal two partially hollow hemispheres and occasionally some internal powdery matter. Coriander is available both whole and in powder form. The fresh leaves of the plant are called cilantro and are used as a herb. coriander is also one of the main ingredients of the curry powder sold in sri lanka.


Aloe plant

Alovera cream spice garden

Aloe is a short-stemmed succulent plant growing up to about 70cm tall. Leaves of this plant are thick and have spikes all over them. The edge of the leaf is serrated and has little white spikes. Inside aloe leaves there is a cool gel. Value of aloe can be mainly attributed to this gel. Aloe Vera is a plant that is mostly grown in desert like places. In other words aloe grows well in tropical areas. This plant has been used as a medicine from a very long time. Aloe is mostly used in cosmetics.  Aloe is known as a good skin conditioner that can protect you from the sun by acting as a sunblock. Aloe also has this natural substance that can heal pimples and blemishes. Many are the uses and medical advantages of aloe. People have started adding aloe juice into beverages also. i.e  milk shakes, fruit juice and so on.

Benefits of Cardamom

Benefits of Cardamom


Buy products spice garden
Cardamom at the ranweli spice garden 

Cardamom and ginger have a lot in common, just like ginger cardamom too can be used to cure digestive issues. In fact it is good for stomach problems like gastritis, diarrhea, indigestion, etc.

Cardamom is a good source of minerals like potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Potassium is an imperative part of cell and body liquids that helps to maintain heart rate and blood circulation.

Cardamom has a lot of iron and manganese. Iron is needed for the growth of red blood cells. Further, these sweet-smelling buds are rich in numerous crucial vitamins like riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin C.This spice helps the body to dispose of waste through the kidneys.Cardamom is a good antioxidant, the reason being its diuretic properties. It wipes out waste, salt, additional water, poisons in the bladder and kidneys. People in Sri Lanka chew cardamom after dinners to refresh their breath. Apart from fighting against bad breath, cardamom is utilized for mouth ulcers in the mouth and throat.This spice may help to ease frosty and influenza indications. It's also good for bronchitis.
Many of the vitamins in cardamom like phytonutrients, and fundamental oils in cardamom are cell reinforcements which have made cardamom a good cancer prevention agent.The fundamental oils in cardamom restrain the development of infections, microbes, parasite, and mold.

Cardamom is good for hiccups, muscle fits, stomach and intestinal issues.




Margosa otherwise called kohomba is a tree in the mahogany family. It grows in India and the Indian subcontinent including Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. It is grown well under hot climatic conditions. Margosa trees are now  grown  in islands situated in the southern part of Iran. Its essence is the wellspring of Margosa oil.

Margosa is a quick developing tree that can achieve a tallness of 15–20 meters. During summer it may loose most of its leaves. The branches are wide and spreading. This tree produces white fragrant flowers. There is a belief among sri lankans when there is a Margosa tree in front of one's house with a lot of flowers it brings good luck to the house.