New Ranweli Spice Garden Kandy

 Spoiler Videos of Ranweli Spice Garden Kandy

                                           New Ranweli Spice Garden Part 1

                                         New Ranweli spice Garden part 2

"Sri Lanka is known all over the world for its rare spices and herbs. In fact to spice lovers Sri Lankan spices mean an expression of a colorful history and delightful surprise, just like the Island. At New Ranweli Spice and Herbal Garden you will get the chance of seeing how spices and herbs like Turmeric, Pepper Corns, Cloves, Cardamom, Nutmeg, Vanilla, Cinnamon, Cocoa, Aloe Vera, etc. are grown in their natural environment."

What stands out at ranweli spice garden is that attention will be given on the culinary and medicinal uses of these spices and herbs grown in sri lanka. Most importantly those who visit new ranweli spice garden will learn a wealth of information about Sri Lankan spices and the spice history in sri lanka.